Thursday, October 16, 2008

whats the worst thing a parent can do to their child?why?

I think the worst thing a parent can do to their child is aband them or abort them. When i say abort i mean...getting pregnant then killing what you developed by going to the doctor. Abortion is actually a sin which is why i dnt understand how people can be ok with doing it. Just think how life would be if your mom aborted you, you would've never experiecnced life. Then again i think everything happens for a reason, God knows what he's doing to you. I also dnt think parents should aband their children. it dnt matter what the case may be parents should always be their for their children. You should never give up on your child or at least never let them know that you dnt agree. Because if there is one thing a child needs its supPort!

1 comment:

DSpencer said...

dat is true. y r u we killing babies for. they want to live der life but people take it before dey are ready to see the world. if u dont want the baby dont kill it give it to somebody who take care of it or dont have sex den.thats wrong dat a baby cant ever see the world no more.