Friday, October 17, 2008

no one knows that....

No one knows that im really sensitive. I may come off as this mean person or act like nothing gets to me. But in the dark im so sensitive, everything actually gets to me. I cry over the littlest things, i get upset period over the littlest things. The mean look is just my facail expression, which im happy i have so i can hide my true feelings! I dnt care about being sensitive i just dnt like people in my buiness asking me questions. Thats why i'd rather not let people know.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

whats the worst thing a parent can do to their child?why?

I think the worst thing a parent can do to their child is aband them or abort them. When i say abort i mean...getting pregnant then killing what you developed by going to the doctor. Abortion is actually a sin which is why i dnt understand how people can be ok with doing it. Just think how life would be if your mom aborted you, you would've never experiecnced life. Then again i think everything happens for a reason, God knows what he's doing to you. I also dnt think parents should aband their children. it dnt matter what the case may be parents should always be their for their children. You should never give up on your child or at least never let them know that you dnt agree. Because if there is one thing a child needs its supPort!